One day,

I received voice / audible message that said,

“Yvonne, you will write and draw 12 children’s books!” 

I was a pre school teacher, director of the preschool program in a public school, and owned my own “Sugar Bush Nursery School” (it was near Sugar Bush Rd in Chesterfield, MI). 

I have always been an artist. I was an English Honors student in college.  So I said “OK, I can do that!” I have finished 5 books…now working on Book 6!

Moo Lee Boo Lee is the main character in each book. There is at least one dilemma to be solved in each book. From my education & working experiences, it is apparent to me, that we as parents, have “short changed” our young children for several generations.

We have given them the best we could as far as tennis shoes, toys, electronics, & material things are concerned…and have forgotten that respect, integrity, kindness, honor, common sense, & love…are much more important than “things.”

As a teacher and parent, my belief has always been to teach a young child they are loved, they are normal, and help them develop a thirst for knowledge.

The purpose of the Moo Lee Boo Lee books is to help young readers have respect for themselves and others, to be mindful, have confidence and common sense, make good decisions, and enjoy reading.

Learning should be colorful and fun! ❤️

The “when” of how I got the idea for the Moo Lee Boo Lee character…is another story.
